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Executive Directors:

  • Dr. WANG Pang PaulDr. Wang has rich experience in banking and finance. Dr. Wang has served as a research assistant professor in the school of accounting and finance in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University since 2022. Prior to that, he successively worked in the listing affairs department at Sinopec, the investment banking department at Bank of America Merrill Lynch and the global business services department at IBM. Dr. Wang is a chartered financial analyst. He obtained a Bachelor of Science in Engineering and a Master of Science in Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2007. He obtained a Master of Business Administration and a Master of Engineering Management from Northwestern University in 2012. Further, he obtained a M.Phil. and a doctor’s degree in Economics from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2018 and 2022, respectively.
  • Mr. CAO XinzhongMr. Cao has extensive experience in accounting and financial management. Prior to joining the Group, he served as accountant, accounting supervisor, and finance director in a subsidiary of China National Chemical Corporation. From 2013 to 2016, Mr. Cao worked as the finance manager in Hainan Huizhi Petrochemical Fine Chemical Co., Ltd., an indirect non-wholly owned subsidiary of the Company from December 2011 to May 2016. From 2016 to 2019, Mr. Cao worked as the financial controller in Hainan Strong Huineng Petrochemical Limited, an indirectly wholly owned subsidiary of the Company. He is now the financial controller of Fujian Hong Kong Petrochemical Limited, an indirectly wholly owned subsidiary of the Company. Mr. Cao studied computer science and graduated from Harbin College of Shipbuilding Engineering in 1990.

Non-Executive Directors:

  • Mr. Guo Yan JunMr. Guo has extensive experience of entrepreneurship, corporate operation and management. Since February 2013, he has served as an independent non-executive director of Mei Ah Entertainment Group Ltd. (stock code: 391). From November 2015 to October 2024, he was an independent non-executive director of MIE Holdings Corporation (stock code: 1555). He was also an independent non-executive director of the Company from September 2011 to January 2018 and of Honghua Group Limited (stock code: 196) from June 2011 to March 2017. Mr. Guo holds a Diploma in Law from China People’s University.
  • Mr. WANG Jian ShengMr. Wang has been an executive director of the Company since 1 February 2008 and had been the chairman of the Board from 1 February 2008 to 2 October 2024. He had served as a member of the remuneration committee of the Company from 28 November 2008 to 2 October 2024 and the chairman of the nomination committee of the Company from 16 March 2012 to 2 October 2024. In October 2000, Mr. Wang invested in the Group and acted as a substantial Shareholder. At the same time, he joined the Group as a supervisor. He graduated from Henan University of Science and Technology, previously known as Luoyang Industrial College, with a bachelor degree in metallic materials and heat process. He was responsible for overseeing the function of the Board, formulating major corporate and business strategies, and identifying business goals and the related business plan at the high level.

Independent Non-executive Directors:

  • Mr. WANG QihongMr. Wang Qihong worked in the Materials Bureau of the former Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of the People’s Republic of China and China National Postal and Telecommunications Appliances Corp. He was sent to Hong Kong by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications in 1991, where he served as a deputy general manager of Postel Development Co. Ltd., the Hong Kong branch of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, and a deputy general manager of Town Khan Limited. Mr. Wang has participated in a number of projects regarding the modernization development and technology introduction of posts and telecommunications in the People’s Republic of China since 1976, including the introduction of the first mobile communication equipment in the People’s Republic of China, playing a significant role in the modernization of communication in the People’s Republic of China. Since January 2006, he has been an independent non-executive director of China Daye Non-Ferrous Metals Mining Limited (stock code: 661). Mr. Wang Qihong graduated from Liaoning University and International College of Economics and Management (currently merged with the University of International Business and Economics).
  • Dr. Lu GuoyangDr. Lu is an Assistant Professor at City University of Hong Kong. He currently serves as a director of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Greater China Section, the secretary of the Asphalt Pavement Discipline of the World Transportation Convention (WTC) Scientific Committee, secretary of Advances in Materials and Pavement Performance Prediction (AM3P) 2022 in Hong Kong, chair of Young Scholar Committee of the International Association of Chinese Infrastructure Professionals (IACIP), member of the Standing Committee on Polymer Concretes, Adhesives, and Sealers (AKM90) of TRB, and academic member of Academy of Pavement Science and Engineering (APSE). He also serves as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Cleaner Production and Editor of the Journal of Cleaner Materials. Dr. Lu holds a Bachelor of Highway Engineering from Southeast University, a Master of Structural Engineering from the University of Sheffield and a doctor’s degree in Highway Engineering from RWTH Aachen University. His research interests mainly include intelligent transportation infrastructural materials and technologies, simulation of pavement structures and materials, and nondestructive evaluation of transportation infrastructure.
  • Ms. TAM Yuk YuMs. Tam has over ten years of experience in the field of accounting and audit. She has been an independent non-executive director of Vicon Holdings Limited since November 2024 (stock code: 3878). From February 2018 until January 2023, she was a senior accountant at Philip Morris Asia Limited. From July 2015 to July 2017, she joined B. & McK. Services Limited as assistant billing manager in the accounts department. From August 2014 to June 2015, she was an audit senior at Wong C. Fung & Co. From March 2013 to March 2014, she was finance manager at China Merchants Finance Holdings Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of China Merchants Group. Ms. Tam joined KPMG as an audit associate in July 2008, where she remained until March 2013 with her last position as assistant manager. Ms. Tam obtained a Bachelor of Business Administration from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2008. She has been a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants since January 2012.